retpolanne life in general blog

A catgirls life 🏳️‍⚧️😺

4 September 2024

Annie's Modern Life

by Anne Macedo

Life under capitalism is a mess.

The weight-gain snowball

How to begin talking about this?

I remember, at one point during the pandemic, that I reached 67kg only by healthy eating (trying hard not to listen to my cravings) and playing Wii Fit every day. My weight was kind of controlled, even though I would eat junk food quite often.

Due to hormones, mental health and living alone, I started to gain weight, about 20kg in a few months.

Living alone in itself is already difficult. It’s easy not to eat well. It’s easier to order food instead of preparing something by myself. And even when I prepare something, there’s the challenge/burden of doing meal prep, which requires shopping, money management, etc.

tags: weight-loss - time - tiredness